Wednesday, 29 May 2013

25 Years of Friendship Borne from WEA

We all met back in 1987 at WEA as we had all enrolled for the Egyptian Tour of 1987.

WEA arranged everything from our wonderful Tour Leader Pru Matson, our Archeologist Historian Professor Colin Hope,  through to all our flights, accommodation, tours and guidance.   

We departed on Saturday December 19th, 1987 and returned on Friday, 9th January 1988 with a tour party of approx 36 and some great friendships had been forged.

Needless to say owing to a bonding and outstanding trip we decided to meet annually and continue the many friendships we had made.

Annually we now meet around Christmas time to celebrate, swap family stories and in 2012 we celebrated our 25th Anniversary.

Unfortunately we have lost a couple of wonderful friends on the way but we still telephone, and email one another throughout the year to keep in touch as we all care about each other very much.

It has become a tradition that we autograph a t-shirt as we commenced this fun on Dec 31st 1987.

I have attached our first New Year's Eve party together in Egypt (I'm on the right hand side in the autographed white t-shirt which I still keep safely).

Since then I bring a new t-shirt to every annual event and those attending sign it in memory of our togetherness, friendship and ongoing tradition.

We currently number 20 or so members from this 1987 tour and many of us still attend WEA Courses throughout the year.
 - Ray Hockey


Sunday, 26 May 2013

Even more student stories...

I rather enjoyed my little secret .... Every Tuesday, under the pretence of going to an excel course, I would go along to my 'singing for beginners' night.  It was run by Guido Coppola..a short Italian man with a big voice. 
He guided the group to find our voices and sing in harmony like the sopranos and tenors we were supposed to be.
Fast forward to two months later on my wedding day when I was standing on the altar of my church, 20,000 km away.  My husband and all my family got such a surprise!
Thanks to WEA and Guido for the fun and helping to make the surprise happen

- Nora
When my husband was sent along to a WEA Thai Cooking Course, little did he, or I realise what a life-changing opportunity this would be.
Now, years later, he is one of the few men who is not only good at cooking a barbeque but he is the go to man for a Thai cook-up. Even with three different dishes on the go he is like a cook possessed that would make a Masterchef contestant green with envy.
My husband learning to cook Thai has been a marriage saving moment that has given me a break from the kitchen and the family knows there is a tasty feast on offer when he has worked his magic.
- Debra
"Arms loaded with art 'stuff' and belly full of nerves, I arrived at my first art class ever (that was 2010). I have always felt a creative urge but was never sure where to start. WEA was the answer... and it was fantastic!
The teachers and fellow students were so supportive and encouraging, and I quickly found my groove. I have now sampled a varity of classes, all providing me with valuable information, inspiration and new ideas. I am now creating artwork in my spare time; and still enrolling in WEA classes - there is always more to learn!
The WEA courses are undoubtedly value for money; but the knowledge, confidence and courage I have acquired is absolutely priceless!
Thank you WEA!"  
- Robyn

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

More student stories

More of the stories we received on your experiences with the WEA, from the smallest to the most life changing...

In the late 90s (I think), I attended a WEA course at Torrens Valley TAFE. This  was my first taste of email and the Internet. It was life changing. Since then, I have been using the net daily to research information, look at YouTube videos, connect with others through social media etc - Lorenzo
Through the years I have enjoyed many of the WEA courses for leisure, but if it wasn't for WEA I wouldn't have a job in administration.Seven years ago, in my forties, & unemployed, I had trouble getting work in administration as I didn't have any computer skills.  My then Job Skills provider suggested I do a MYOB course at WEA.  Job skill providers prefer to send their unemployed clients to WEA as the courses are reasonably priced. 
I completed all the MYOB courses on offer, as well other computer courses such as Word, Excell, Outlook, etc.  Within 6 months I got my first job in administration.  After a couple of years I moved on & to help me understand my new job I did WEA's Bookkeeping course, which allowed me to move on in my career.  I then did the Accountancy course, which helped me enormously to be competent in my next job.  Fate has moved me to another chapter in my career in administration, & without the skills I developed through the WEA courses, I would not have got this far.
I can honestly say that every computer & vocational course I ever undertook at WEA, helped me get employment.
Thank you WEA - Veronica
A quote I received to edit a 50,000 manuscript nudged two thousand dollars.
I have been accumulating Novella Size manuscripts for almost 25 years, thinking the first draft to be the finished job; being prepared to accept grammatical changes upon the editor’s suggestion.
In the WEA Course Guide, November 2012, Martina Taeker invited writers to learn Expert Editing.
To attend a course in Adelaide on a Sunday I need to spend two nights in the city. I live in the country, don’t drive and transport back and forth on the weekend is sparse.
Lunch with a cherished friend alerted me to her writing non- fiction articles within her profession.   She, twenty years my junior, drove to the course where we both embarked on stimulating strategies toward our fiction and non-fiction work.
Quality time with my chauffer was equally rewarding as the knowledge the tutor taught.
A novella I hadn’t touch for fifteen years, has grown wings since heeding the tutor’s advice at the WEA Expert Editing Course.
                Gratitude - Rosemary

Wednesday, 15 May 2013


The first of a series of anecdotes sent in by members of the WEA.

By Donald "Doctor D" McRobbie


On first thoughts, beginner's harmonica class might seem to rank alongside pre-school violin on the scale of collective musical awfulness. Nevertheless, keen to enhance my musical skills and to meet like-minded people, I enrolled in John Hastwell's (aka Aussie Bob's) basic blues harmonica course at WEA in February. In six weeks I aimed to learn this instrument to the point of performing at one of Adelaide's open mic evenings, possibly Finn McCool's in Norwood to which I would cycle after class.
The first week we were exiled to one of the Cottages, probably a good thing for the aural wellbeing of our fellow students in other classes. Looking round the group, this was definitely adult education, no one under the age of .... I don't like to say, but let's just say I felt quite at home with my peers. At first glance we appeared a motley crew, some fresh but eager novices, others veteran blues aficionados and a couple of folkies, but as the weeks progressed we got to know each other as we pursued a shared love of music. John was a great teacher, very encouraging with even our feeblest attempts to bend the notes, as he demonstrated various harmonica styles: straight harp (or folky), cross harp (bluesy) or slant harp (sad). (See, I was listening!) Each week he would ask us which tunes we had learnt since the last class, only to get the response, "No! We just want to jam and play blues." Such was our devotion to our art.

I found playing the harmonica totally infectious. Concealed in my pocket, I would whip it out at the traffic lights on Angas Street whilst cycling home, much to the amusement of neighbouring  drivers. On one occasion I won the attention of two pretty young women in a sports car, only to lose it immediately to my dogged determination to master the blues scale, and of course the lights changing. But they waved cheerily as they sped off into the night.

In class John would give everyone the chance to play, and whatever our individual abilities, we could hear ourselves collectively improving week on week. Whether the students in the recreation area outside the classroom agreed, is hard to tell, but no one complained. As we each performed before the group there was a wonderful sense of support and a forgiving deaf ear turned to any slips, but as our teacher said somewhat optimistically, "there are no wrong notes on the harmonica." Trust us, John, I'm sure we can find some.

One week an elderly couple joined our class. As their turn came to demonstrate their note-bending skills, they smiled and looked blankly at our teacher. Someone lent them a harp as they hadn't brought their own instruments.  After some coaxing, the lady brought the harp to her lips and gave a timid little toot. John looked on bemused, wondering how his impressive coaching skills had failed so spectacularly. He was also very good at remembering names, but had to ask this couple theirs. Not seeing them on the register, he probed.
"Which class are you enrolled for?"
"Basic blues harmonica," they replied confidently.
"Well you're not on my list."
"Oh," they said. "Our course begins on the 18th of March. Today."
"Well, this is February. We'll see you next month."
There's nothing like being ahead of your time.
The final week, one of the group brought in a guitar amplifier, and we all took turns at playing our harps at volume with distortion. The difference was remarkable as we were transformed from note-shy wallflowers into howling rockstars to our favourite tune: twelve bar blues in G. That night after class there was a plan to go the the open mic at the Gov to perform it in ensemble. Sadly, I was unable to attend. My own public harmonica debut was a nervy solo in Robert Johnson's Love in Vain at one of the Summer Sundays at the Bay concerts in Moseley Square, Glenelg. Unused to playing with a harmonica cradle, Dylan-style, whilst accompanying on guitar, I breathily chased the harp around,  my lips never extending quite far enough to catch it, no matter how ridiculous the pout, to squeeze out its intended but elusive lonesome wail. But none of the audience left and I played it, after just five weeks of tuition, a testament to both tutor and institution.
Harmonica is the ultimate portable instrument, better even than the ukelele. It is also the most intuitive. No prior musical knowledge is required, just an ability to count to eight, to feel the blues, breathe in and out (mainly in), and to wiggle your hands in that cool way you see in movies set in the Deep South. Basic blues harmonica at WEA is a fabulous way to learn an instrument, make new friends and have fun. If you've got the blues then mosey on down to Angas Street on a Thursday night and raise some mojo. Roll on intermediate blues harmonica at WEA.
Playing at the Dan O'Connell with Brian "the harp" Doddridge, a proper harmonica player.


Sunday, 12 May 2013

Victor Eugene Cromer, A Man with a Mission

This gentleman, featured in the photo below, was involved with the WEA of South Australia from 1917 for approximately five years. Cromer’s position at the WEA was as acting Secretary, until he won the role of Position of Generals. His involvement with the WEA was immense as he was a part of the organisation from the earliest beginnings.
Victor Eugene Cromer - WEA visionary
He had strong opinions and beliefs that were often challenged. For example, Cromer was very supportive of the introduction of ‘un-scientific’ courses at the WEA, a subject that was rather controversial in the early 1900’s. Cromer stood by his beliefs and this is considered an integral reason for the successful progression of the WEA ever since.
He married his wife in Paris and had three children when working at the WEA, and his son was a shop keeper in the Barossa.

Cromer was known as a ‘Christian Mystic’, with beliefs that WWII was caused by the astronomic movements of the planets that ultimately affected ‘Kiser’. His strong conviction took him to attend the Second International Communist Conferences where he announced that the ‘World Revolution’ would begin in Adelaide.

His work with the WEA is regarded as extremely progressive for the beginning of the organisation. Cromer spent five years in influential roles until he retired from the WEA and moved on to Sydney where he became a ‘Spiritual Healer’. His time in Sydney also saw his collaboration with Walter Burley Griffin, the landscape architect and designer of Canberra.

Victor Eugene Cromer has been described as a tremendously dedicated individual, a socialist and an overall very memorable person.
From the WEA archives:
Document 1 Reference written for Victor Cromer from the Director of Tutorial Classes, University of Adelaide
Document 2 Victor Cromer's Graduation Programme - University of Adelaide 1923


Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Moving on and Mural-ing up

You may remember the days when the WEA Centre was covered with a colourful mural depicting students and tutors learning all kinds of wonderous things. This post tells the story of how the mural came to be, how the Adelaide Council's strict signage law was thwarted, and how important it is to give detailed briefs when it comes to murals! 
Thanks to former Education Officer and WEA Life Member Larry Kern for this recollection:
Shortly after the WEA building at 223 Angas Street was renovated for use as an Adult Education Centre ( it was originally a chocolate factory) a mural was painted across the face of the building that was approximately two metres high and forty metres long. There is an interesting story on why the mural was executed and how the design of it evolved.
223 Angas Street, now the site of the current WEA adult learning building

Its creation was initially inspired by the Adelaide Council's restriction on signage. When the Project Manager of the WEA building project, Larry Kern, submitted plans for the conversion of the chocolate factory to an Adult Education Centre, the Adelaide Council rejected the signage shown on the plans as being too large. In fact the signage shown was quite modest when compared to existing signage on other buildings around Adelaide. Since we wanted to ensure that the public were aware of what was happening inside the new building Larry proposed that we have a mural on the building, citing the example of an inspiring mural that the Adelaide Zoo had on their wall that ran along Frome Road (at that time you didn't need Council approval to have a mural on a building).  Staff thought this was a good idea so a mural artist, Ziggy Moskwa was located and grant applications were made to fund the mural project. Ziggy was then given a brief, which turned out to be too brief on what the mural should be. He was advised to refer to the WEA annual report and to create a mural that showed the range of WEA activities. What Ziggy first presented clearly showed that he didn't read the Annual Report! He brought us a roll of canvas about six metres long and a half a metre high that showed steel workers pouring steel from a vat and of men digging ditches by hand and with huge heavy equipment! Not for the first time did someone fail to understand what the WEA stood for! The mock up that Ziggy presented would have won prizes in Soviet Russia during the Stalinist era!  Ziggy was re-briefed via a tour of the building during class operations and shown many photos of past classes. His second mock canvas was excellent and showed adult students doing pottery, cooking, doing bush walks, learning how to operate computers and learning foreign languages. The students and tutors shown were clearly identified from class photos so many of them were contacted to gain approval  now that they were two metres plus high on the WEA building.

Flood lighting was installed so that the mural was richly lit up at night. We certainly obtained our objective: no one could be the least bit uncertain where the WEA building was nor what went on inside the building.
Larry Kern