Wednesday, 22 May 2013

More student stories

More of the stories we received on your experiences with the WEA, from the smallest to the most life changing...

In the late 90s (I think), I attended a WEA course at Torrens Valley TAFE. This  was my first taste of email and the Internet. It was life changing. Since then, I have been using the net daily to research information, look at YouTube videos, connect with others through social media etc - Lorenzo
Through the years I have enjoyed many of the WEA courses for leisure, but if it wasn't for WEA I wouldn't have a job in administration.Seven years ago, in my forties, & unemployed, I had trouble getting work in administration as I didn't have any computer skills.  My then Job Skills provider suggested I do a MYOB course at WEA.  Job skill providers prefer to send their unemployed clients to WEA as the courses are reasonably priced. 
I completed all the MYOB courses on offer, as well other computer courses such as Word, Excell, Outlook, etc.  Within 6 months I got my first job in administration.  After a couple of years I moved on & to help me understand my new job I did WEA's Bookkeeping course, which allowed me to move on in my career.  I then did the Accountancy course, which helped me enormously to be competent in my next job.  Fate has moved me to another chapter in my career in administration, & without the skills I developed through the WEA courses, I would not have got this far.
I can honestly say that every computer & vocational course I ever undertook at WEA, helped me get employment.
Thank you WEA - Veronica
A quote I received to edit a 50,000 manuscript nudged two thousand dollars.
I have been accumulating Novella Size manuscripts for almost 25 years, thinking the first draft to be the finished job; being prepared to accept grammatical changes upon the editor’s suggestion.
In the WEA Course Guide, November 2012, Martina Taeker invited writers to learn Expert Editing.
To attend a course in Adelaide on a Sunday I need to spend two nights in the city. I live in the country, don’t drive and transport back and forth on the weekend is sparse.
Lunch with a cherished friend alerted me to her writing non- fiction articles within her profession.   She, twenty years my junior, drove to the course where we both embarked on stimulating strategies toward our fiction and non-fiction work.
Quality time with my chauffer was equally rewarding as the knowledge the tutor taught.
A novella I hadn’t touch for fifteen years, has grown wings since heeding the tutor’s advice at the WEA Expert Editing Course.
                Gratitude - Rosemary

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